DeckeD Clothing

DeckeD clothing is a family owned business based in Eastbourne who have recently started their own brand of clothing, selling Luxury urban street and Gym Wear for men and women.
Taking their own experiences from keep fit to extreme sports Decked has created a specialised quality brand with their customers in mind.
Knowing what's best with quality and durability DeckeD clothing have incorporated  an affordable and great looking clothing range with an iconic emblem that everyone will want.

Decked Clothing asked me to photograph some of their clothing range which we did with Isaac and Amy who modelled everything for us.
A big thanks to Isaac and Amy who looked fantastic in Decked's clothing range and did a fantastic job of showing them off.

Below are some pictures of the DeckeD clothing range

These are just a few pictures showing DeckeD's clothing range to see more make sure you visit their new site by clicking this link below

Don't forget to share the link with friends and family and on your social media so everyone has the opportunity to visit this new and exciting clothing range.

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